It happens all within seconds- yes, that excruciating backache or the catch in your back, that happens in a split second, when you bend down to pick up something that's fallen, or you bend down to pull out something from your wardrobe. You may not have been proactive enough to bend in an easy manner, to allay that pain. So what do you do next when you get that CATCH? NOTHING! Just lie still on your back, do deep inhalation and exhalation, for a few times. Then, slowly hugs your knees( don't worry about whether you should raise your knees while inhaling or exhaling...the body takes care of that). Hold yur knees in a comfortable manner, and just roll from left to right for a few seconds. Then after you feel, you could handle another short break, just lie down, arms by your side , palms facing the ceiling and your legs stretched well. Slowly, hold your big toes in the respective hands, like a baby ( it's called the baby asana) and just move from side to side again, making sur...