
Superfine Supine!

Lying down and stretching the legs can be fantastic for the legs. Lie on your back, stretch out your legs as much as you can. Then bring both legs up and stretch.Then spread them to the extremes as much as you can by holding on to the big toes.

Battling That Backache

It happens all within seconds- yes, that excruciating backache or the catch in your back, that happens in a split second, when you bend down to pick up something that's fallen, or you bend down to pull out something from your wardrobe. You may not have been proactive enough to bend in an easy manner, to allay that pain. So what do you do next when you get that CATCH? NOTHING!  Just lie still on your back, do deep inhalation and exhalation, for a few times. Then, slowly hugs your knees( don't worry about whether you should raise your knees while inhaling or exhaling...the body takes care of that). Hold yur knees in a comfortable manner, and just roll from left to right for a few seconds. Then after you feel, you could handle another short break, just lie down, arms by your side , palms facing the ceiling and your legs stretched well. Slowly, hold your big toes in the respective hands, like a baby ( it's called the baby asana) and just move from side to side again, making sur...

Use your chair's back as a prop for those head bends!

I have many times looked at models who are in great shape doing the asanas with ease, and have felt a twang of envy...! But from what I realised later, it's each to his own- we can't compare our tempo, method and our physique to anyone's. Besides, in order to get where they are, we need to start somewhere. That somewhere comes when we decide to use props to aid us to do our asanas. Using props like chair for head bends on the seat of the chair is a great way to start it off....

The Skipping Rope as a Prop

The Skipping rope can be invested with the power of a perfect support giving prop, while doing some high level stretches. Starting with the basic stretch of the hands at the back , to looping it around your foot to pull it in any direction would be possie with the humble rope. The rope can be initiated into our Stretches commencing with the back hands stretch. We can hold the rope at the back with the right hand, taking it as high as possible. The bottom part is pulled by the left hand.  This stretch is facilitated with the presence of the rope- helps to open up our shoulders, helps to make the movement of the hands easy even at the back. The biceps and triceps get stretched. Try it. There's no age for this. You can start at any age, and trust me- only after one month of doing these everyday, you are going to feel good about making both hands meet at the back!!

Chair- ily yours!

Many times we are keen on doing stretches for the back, the legs and the hands, but don't know how to get initiated. I would say, don't underestimate the presence of the humble wooden chair- it's a great prop for starters. Take the chair , keep it on the centre of a yoga mat, and for it to have a firm grip on the floor, sans movement. Now, stand about 2 feet away from the chair' s front side; keep your feet together; take your arms up in a complete back stretch , stretch your arms behind, inhale while taking your arms up, and slowly bend forward, exhaling as you bend forward. Now, place your arms on the seat of the chair, bend and keep your knees locked. Let the top of your head rest on the chair's seat. Try this first very simple and basic chair assisted stretch. Tell me how you feel with using the chair for support and as a prop. We' go into other chair- stretches , after this one soon!

Stretches for your legs

While we take our aeareness from our arm stretches to the other parts of the body that require similar stretches, we can now focus on our legs. As we start to shoe interest in these stretches, our subconscious mind starts creating the niche time and the ambience for us to practise those, so that consistency is assured fir good results. Take your sturdy, wooden dining chair. Avoid the plastic ones. Keep the chair in front of you. Stand on your left leg, while you slowly life your right leg and place it on the seat. Stay there for five counts, done in your mind. You can press the leg resting perpendicular on the seat of the chair, by holding onto the wood back. There's a stretch on your glutes. There's also a stretch on your lower back. Repeat with the other leg. Do this like your arm stretches- whenever you have some time to spare; repeat the next day, and the next, and the next.This sets off a pattern in us. And ...before we know it, your legs want that stretch very badly!!

The simplest stretch to start with

 How many times have you felt that you need to do some stretches at home, only to realise, you don't know where to start!  Don't fret... it's natural to feel as if that day hasn't dawned yet ( and you cannot predict when it will!). So, for starters, let's attempt something that is simple, yet powerfully impactful on us. It's just clasping your hands, and stretching the clasped hand straight up, to give yourself that much needed stretch.  Start the next morning, as soon as you wake up, just getting grounded for the day. Go to your kitchen top- stand with your back against the slab for support, and then slowly inhale, raise your arms from the side, take them up, clasp, and stretch as high as they can go. One point to note: your clasp should be upturned, as you take your hands up. Try this three times. Wow!! You have just started on your own customised yoga journey. This is just the stepping stone.